(Datsun Sports Owners Australia-NSW Inc)

Parts: Lighting

2 parts found.

$110 pair

New remanufactured high quality clear front blinker lens to suit July '69 to '70 model SR311. Price is $110 a pair plus postage.
$25 each

New high quality remanufactured rear amber blinker lens.

Other parts

Clutches (2 items)
Ignition System (4 items)
Intake (4 items)
Manuals (5 items)
Miscellaneous (6 items)
Rubber Parts (6 items)
Steering (2 items)

Purchase our spare parts

If you're interested in purchasing any of our parts, contact our Club.

PO Box 110
Glenbrook NSW 2773
Email enquire@dsoa.org.au
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